De’Longhi Bold Blend: Unveiling a Global Coffee Powerhouse with La Marzocco and Eversys Merger In 2024

pexels kostiantyn klymovets 13096241 scaled De'Longhi Bold Blend: Unveiling a Global Coffee Powerhouse with La Marzocco and Eversys Merger In 2024

De’Longhi is a big company that makes coffee machines and other things. It wants to work with two other companies that also make coffee machines: La Marzocco and Eversys. These two companies are very good at what they do and people like their products. De’Longhi will pay $374 million to own part of La Marzocco.

De’Longhi thinks that working with La Marzocco and Eversys will help them make more money and improve their products. They will also be able to sell more kinds of coffee machines to different customers.

Coffee is very important for De’Longhi. It makes up more than half of their sales. Eversys is doing very well and selling a lot of coffee machines.

Their bosses said that this deal is worth $1.4 billion. They said that this will make them the best in the world at making coffee machines for professionals and people who love coffee. They said that they have enough money to do this deal because they have been doing well for a long time.


La Marzocco and Eversys will not change much. They will keep their own names and leaders. They will also keep their own ways of doing things.

La Marzocco’s leader is Guido Bernardinelli. He has been in charge since 2018. Eversys’ leader is Martin Strehl.

They already owned some of Eversys. It bought more of it in May 2021 for $164 million. Now it owns all of it.

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